Park Mead Primary

Welcome to Year 2!How to Be Truly Happy - Mad Fish Digital

Mrs Collins
Mrs Gilbertson Mrs Booth

Mrs Collins




Mrs Gilbertson 





Mrs  Browne




 Mrs Puttock



Mrs Booth




         Summer Term 1

Welcome back! we hope that everyone had a brilliant Easter break. This half term we have our trip to Painshill Park with activities linked to our spring and summer science topics. The children have worked so hard this school year, and we are looking forward to the last term of fun and learning together. From making puppets to growing our own plants there is so much planned and we can't wait!


Summer 1 Term Dates:


15/4/2024 - INSET day

16/4 - Children return to school

22/4 - Trip to Painshill Park

27-31/5 - Half term 



 As a school, we use Talk4Writing as a framework and all of the units are based on this. 

We will continue writing our fact files when we return to schoo the children will learn how to write and produce an interesting non-chronological report using a famous person of their choice or the superhero. they have created.

We will then use the Lion King as a basis to engage and inspire the children tp produce their own 'action story'. 'Talk for Writing' creates building blocks for the children to become confident writers and structure their writing in an organised, clear, and creative way.We will encourage children to use engaging openings and thoughtful endings in their action-packed warning tales.

We will be building on them using varied sentence starters, and time connectives, thinking about using correct tenses, using descriptive noun phrases including exciting adjectives, and similies, and using speech. Of course still including our non-negotiables such as capital letters, full stops, and finger spaces. We will also edit our work to give children the skills to edit and improve their writing.


  • Non-negotiables: Every time the children write, we ask them to make sure that they have put a full stop at the end of every sentence, that they have used capital letters to begin sentences and for names, that they have finger spaces between their words, and that they have used a question mark at the end of a question.  

Cursive Handwriting 

This term we will continue to work hard with the children to practice their cursive handwriting

We have attached the 'a Guide to cursive handwriting' PPT document.



      Reading, Phonics and Spelling :

Phonics/spelling lessons happen every day. We will do this as a class and provide extra support for children who need it.

Large Group Guided Reading sessions

Fluent Readers - Once the children become ‘fluent readers’ we will be reading whole class texts with the children. They will read more challenging texts, such as chapter books, using a range of skills to discuss and answer questions about the books. These sessions are not recorded in their Reading Records, but they have a Guided Reading book, where they record work relating to the text that is being studied.

 We will endeavor to hear individual readers as often as possible. Children are assessed with their phonics and reading regularly throughout the year.

Practice Reading sessions 

Phonic-based readers -In these small group lessons, the focus is largely on decoding, fluency, and comprehension. The children will read independently and to an adult, within their group. It will be marked in their reading records that they have had a practice reading session with adult support on that day. They will read with adult support  several times a week depending on the week

Once the children have read a book with their reading group at school, they will bring it home for further practice, along with an additional decodable book which will be changed weekly. Please help us to make sure that we can send home decodable books for all the children by returning both your child's reading books every Friday.

Once the children are fluent readers, they will be reading longer books in school and will be able to independently change their home readers whenever they need to. Please continue to send their reading record book to school every day.


English Homework:


We would like the children to read at home at least 4- 5 times a week with an adult. More able readers will then start to read more independently but it is still important for children to read out loud and have the opportunity to ask and answer questions about the vocabulary and text. Alongside reading school books we actively encourage children to read a wide range of books at home.



spellingshed   (link)   (logins in reading records)


This term there will be some changes to the way spelling homework will be set. 

Spelling challenges are set every Friday and we will now provide weekly paper homework with the spellings as a lot of children are not using the Spelling Shed app. The spellings will be set out as the 'Look, Say, Cover, and Write format. They will also be on the site but we are going to use paper homework this term to see if this improves children's learning.

The words will comprise spellings linked to the spelling taught that week alongside some Common Exception Words that Year 2 needs to be able to read and write by the end of Year 2.

We would like children to practice their spelling at least 3 x a week.


Extra English support:

Please take a look at these helpful questions to discuss with your child. They can be used when your child reads to you, when you read to your child or to prompt discussion about books your child is reading independently. 

Reading question stems Picture - Free eBook library when you create a username and password.


We will be following the  White Rose maths curriculum.           

This half term we will look at two main units: 

Fractions  Children will recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/2, 1/3 , 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity. They will write simple fractions for example,

1/2 of 6 = 3 and recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2. 

Pupils use fractions as 'fractions of' discrete and continuous quantities by solving problems using shapes, objects and quantities. They connect unit fractions to equal sharing and grouping, to numbers when they can be calculated, and to measures, finding fractions of lengths, quantities, sets of objects or shapes. Children should count in fractions up to 10, starting from any number using a number line.

Time - After revisiting prior learning, children will compare and sequence intervals of time,  tell and write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. They must know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day. we will also look at the days of the week and seasons. We will look at both analog and digital time displays.

Maths homework:

Homework activity 1 - play  Numbots for at least 10 minutes, 3 times per week which will help to build fluency with number facts
Log-ins for Numbots will be in the front of your child's reading record.

Homework activity 2 - Arithmetic activity sheet - to go out every Friday and be returned on the following Wednesday. A letter will be sent out during the first week giving more information. The will now be double-sided. If your child completes just A ( easier) just do As both sides, A & B do both sides A & B, and so on. 


Home Learning | Ashford Church of England Primary School          (link) 

Numbots is an ongoing maths challenge program, that supports children's mathematical knowledge and understanding. We would like children to extend their learning by using Numbots at least 3 times a week. (link)

This term we will be introducing the children to TTRockstars - This is an engaging and fun app that the whole school uses to embed and develop times tables. 

Please watch the video below for more information.

Video for parents and carers

We now set the children optional homework on My Maths . Children have been introduced to this and have the logins in the front of their reading records. Activities will be set in blocks to continue previous learning in maths that we have been doing at school.  

What are we doing in other subjects this half term?


In this topic, children will learn about:

Topic:  Comparing a hot country -  KenyaGeography   


In this topic, we will introduce children to the location of Kenya in the context to Africa and the rest of the world through a variety of learning tools and resources. Children will complete engaging map skills activities to develop their understanding of Kenya's location and understand more about its geographical features alongside human geography and it's animal inhabitants.We will compare living in Kenya to life in Cranleigh and England.

DT:  Making animal puppets  




MUSIC: Voice training and Ocarina

(The children have a weekly music lesson with our music specialist teacher, Mrs Bell, in the music room) Music

Useful Information

PE Days

Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure children come to school in their PE kit on these days.  

Library Days

We will be visiting the library to change books every Monday

Books are issued for two weeks at a time but can be returned earlier. If your child wishes to keep a book for longer than two weeks, please send it in to school on a Wednesday so that it can be renewed.

You can check which books your child currently has on loan along with the return dates on Reading Cloud. Log-in details are in the front of your child's reading record. If a book has got lost, we ask for a £5 contribution towards replacing the book. Please speak to your child's class teacher.

Link to Reading Cloud:   

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Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB

01483 274315