Welcome to Park Mead Library. At Park Mead we love to read and our library has a huge range of books which the children are able to borrow and take home. We are incredibly proud of our library, which is kept up to date with new books that we think the children will enjoy.
Each class visits the library weekly to renew or change their books. The library is also open to KS2 children every lunchtime and the Library Cafe is open after school every Tuesday. Drop in with your children to share a book and stay for a drink and a biscuit (50p).
We use Reading Cloud to manage our library, meaning that children can log in from home to search the library catalogue, recommend and review books and look for books that they might like to read next. The children who are free readers are also able to reserve books from home and have them delivered to their classrooms.
Watch the videos below to see how to use Reading Cloud at home.
To access reading cloud, please click on the picture below.
Reading Cloud is also available from phones and tablets using an app.
Search for the iMLS app on the App Store or Android market, or see the poster in the library to scan the QR codes.
Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB
01483 274315